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Davy Crockett

by Tina

This stamp commemorates Davy Crockett. He had a very interesting life like killing raccoons by grinning. For example: One day when Davy didn't know how powerful his own grin was he grinned at a raccoon sitting in a tree. Then the raccoon tumbled to the ground, dead right down to its striped tail. Davy Crockett was born in Tennessee. When Davy grew up he had a rifle called Betsy. Were ever Davy went Betsy always came along with him. He also had a hound dog called Rattler. He would take him out sometimes when he went hunting. Davy was one of the only person who could talk to animals. He even had two very good friends that were animals. Their names were Death-Hug and Old Mississippi.
I'll tell you how all three of them meet each other. Davy meet Death-Hug who was a bear. One day. Davy got caught in an earthquake crack and he couldn't get out. So the bear passed by and Davy hung on to him until the bear pulled him out the crack. Davy was so happy he hugged the bear and the bear hugged him back. The bear almost hugged him to death. From that day Davy named him Death-Hug. Davy meet Old Mississippi one day Davy went back to his home to his spring planting. While walking throw the swamp on his way home. He picked up in the southern swamp country, a slithering good natured, grinning alligator. From that day his name was Old Mississippi.
There were many other good stories about him. But the story about how Davy died was sad. He was fighting the Mexicans in San Antonio, Texas at a fort called the Alamo. They don't know if Death-Hug and Old Mississippi were with him.
My stamp shows Davy and his wife Polly on Death-Hug's back. The setting in the the picture is in the woods, and old Betsy is in Davy's hands.

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