Pecos Bill
by Daniel
This stamp commemorates Pecos Bill. Pecos Bill was born in Texas. His mother was
very strange. Pecos Bill wanted milk from a Mountain Lion. Pecos Bill had over
a dozen brothers and sisters. Pecos Bill's dad gave him a baby bear to play with!
Pecos Bill wrestled the bear until the bear begged for mercy. Pecos Bill's family
had to move because it was getting too crowed in Texas. When they were going,
Pecos Bill fell out of the wagon and a pack of coyotes found him. (Remember
Pecos Bill is still a baby).
He was raised by coyotes until a cowboy came along and saw Pecos Bill acting like a
coyote. So the cowboy taught him how to speak Texan and reminded him he was human.
The cowboy said, " You are a human not a coyote, besides you ain't got no tail. "
Pecos Bill believed the cowboy and he had to leave the coyotes. Pecos was sad.
He gave them a little wave and said good - bye. There were tears coming down his
eyes but he had to get over it so he just left.
When they left to go to the cowboy's ranch, Pecos Bill straddled a Mountain
Lion and he rode it. He beat a big rattlesnake and made a loop and called it
the lasso, he had invented it. Lasso is when you form a loop and then the loop
catches stuff. Pecos Bill used the lasso against a Gila Monster. He did all this
stuff while he and the Cowboy were going to the ranch.
When they arrived the best cowboy had to be the boss. So Pecos Bill took over.
When the they saw all the stuff Pecos Bill could do, Pecos Bill took over. People
at the ranch liked Pecos Bill. They all liked him as a friend and a boss.
He invented a lot of stuff like the Bronco- Busting Bertie, it's a six shooter.
It holds six bullets. People used it a lot!
When Pecos Bill found a Golden Mustang, he caught up with the horse and went right
in front of him. The Mustang suddenly stopped. The Horse was going so fast his feet
got stuck under the dirt. Pecos Bill let him free and the horse gave him a kiss.
The Mustang was Pecos Bill's horse. He named him Widow Maker because a widow means
a women with no husband, and whoever went near the Mustang was in big trouble.
Pecos Bill was a fine cowboy and faced a lot of challenges. With Widow Maker
he wasn't alone. People say he was the best person in world.
I especially like him. I like him because he did daring things like stopping the hurricane. Actually he was kind of sacrificing his life for the people. Without him Texas wouldn't have been the same. My stamp shows when Pecos Bill was getting a Gila Monster using the lasso technique.