T is for Turkey
By Arin
The turkey is a large North America bird related to
chickens, peafoul and pheasants. American Indians raised
turkeys for food. Todays turkeys are a part of the traditional
Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner in many homes throughout the
United States and Canada. The male turkeys are called cocks
and the females are called hens. Baby turkeys are called
poults. There are two species of turkeys. The Ocellated and
the North American turkey. The Ocellated turkey inhabits
Guatemala and Yucatan Peninsual of Mexico. It is a
brilliantly colored bird that has eyelike spots on its tail.
The North American turkey eats grass and grain.
My Beanie Baby is Gobbles the Turkey. He was born on November
27, 1996. My turkey has brown, red and white feathers. He is
a nice one.