line break <br> paragraph break <p> rule <hr> Draws a horizontal line across page Headings <h3>example</h3> h1=largest; h6=smallest Centering <center>example</center> example Indented <ul>example</ul> example Preformatted <pre> </pre> boldface <b>example</b> example Italic <i>example </i> example bold italic <i><b>example</i></b> example larger font <FONT SIZE="+1">example</FONT> example larger font <FONT SIZE="+2">example</FONT> example smaller font <FONT SIZE="-1">example</FONT> example Large letter <FONT SIZE="+3">E</FONT>xample Example subscript H<sub>2</sub>O H2O superscript cm<sup>2</sup> cm2 Symbol font <font face="symbol;">abcde</font> abcde Color text <font color="#ff0000">example</font> example
Display sun.gif <img src="sun.gif"> Graphic on right <img align=right src="sun.gif"> Graphic on left <img align=left src="sun.gif"> Display centered image <center><img src="sun.gif"></center> Graphic in folder <img src="folder/sun.gif"> Display image.jpg <img src="image.jpg"> Graphic as hyperlink <a href="page.html"><img src="sun.gif"></a>
Link to page.html stored in subdirectory "directoryname":
<a href="directoryname/page.html">LINK TEXT</a>
Link to page.html in higher-level directory:
<a href="../page.html">LINK TEXT</a>
"Absolute" reference to another server (e.g. The White House):
<a href="">The White House</a>
"Absolute" reference to a specific page on another server:
<a href="">Tom O'Haver's Home Page</a>
Link to page.html with sun.gif as a graphic hyperlink:
<a href="page.html"><img src="sun.gif"></a>
Link to sound file "" (or movie file ""):
<a href="">LINK TEXT</a> (or "")
Imbeded controller for sound files:
<embed src="" width=144 height=30 autostart=false>
"Mailto" link to send email to a specified email address:
<a href="">Send email to Tom O'Haver</a>
In each of the above, LINK TEXT is the underlined blue text that you click on.
<ul> <li>first item <li>second item </ul>Ordered (auto-numbered) list:
<ol> <li>first item <li>second item </ol>
<TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TH></TH> <TH>Column heading</TH> <TH>Column heading</TH> </TR> <TR> <TH>Row heading</TH> <TD>cell contents</TD> <TD>cell contents</TD> </TR> <TR> <TH>Row heading</TH> <TD>cell contents</TD> <TD>cell contents</TD> </TR> </TABLE>Simply Copy and Paste this template, adding rows and columns as needed, and replacing "Column heading", "Row heading", and "cell contents" with your own contents.
000000 = black ffffff = white 404040 = dark gray 808080 = medium gray B0B0B0 = light gray ff0000 = red ff8080 = pink 00ff00 = green 80ff80 = pale green 0000ff = blue 8080ff = pale blue ffff00 = yellow ffff80 = pale yellow ff00ff = magenta 00ffff = cyan 800080 = purple 401000 = brown ff7000 = orange