Fairland Home Page
The Double Life of Pocahontas
by Jean Fritz
There are several books at each grade level designated "core" books.
They are books that are to be read and discussed in class as
instructional or directed reading lessons. Emphasis is placed on
setting, plot, character study, etc. After reading The Double Life of
Pocahontas by Jean Fritz, we decided create a slide show that
would cover events that took place in the book. They had gone
through several lessons on using the many tools in Kid Pix
and had each created their own personal slideshow about
We hope to share this project with other students
that have read or are going to read this book. Since we have read
several other Jean Fritz books and plan to read more before the
end of the year, we will also do an author study of Jean Fritz
and her books.
Start The Pocohontas Show
How We Did It
How We Convereted Kid Pix Into This Format
Fairland Home Page

This page is maintained by Mary O'Haver, Fairland
Elementary School, and Prof.
Thomas O'Haver , University of Maryland. Comments, suggestions and questions
should be directed to Mary O'Haver at
mohaver@umd5.umd.edu or Prof. O'Haver at
First created on 3/06/98
Last updated 3/06/98