Mini Poster for New World Explorers
Now that we have covered some basic information about the explorers
to the New World, you will make a mini poster that will tell about
one of the New World Explorers. You will partition your poster into
five sections. Each section will have required information and a
graphic. You can orient your poster in:

The center section will have a graphic and the name of the explorer in
clear, bold lettering.
Section one, "About the Explorer", should include as much of the
following information as possible.
- Name of explorer
- Where and when he was born
- Information about his parents, brothers, sisters
- Information about any other family members
- Information about his childhood, schooling, early interest
- Information about any other training
- Information about people that may have influenced him
- When, where, how died
- Any other personal information about your explorer
Section two, "About the Country that Supported the Expedition(s)", should include as much of the following information as possible.
- Name of the country that supplied the ships, etc.
- Name of the rulers of that country at the time
- Why they supported the expedition (why did they pay for the trip)
- How did they feel about the results of the expedition/s
- Did they support more expedition/s
- How did this help or hurt their country (what did they get out of it)
- Any other facts about this country that will add information about the expedition/s
Section three, "About the Expedition(s)", should include as much of the following information as possible. For each expedition:
- Tell the goal of the expedition
- Tell what they found: people, land, resources
- Tell where the expedition traveled
- Tell any problems they encountered
- Add any other information about the expedition that was not included
Section four, "Miscellaneous", should include any interesting information about your explorer, the trips, supplies needed, and life during that time, that may not fall into any of the other categories.
Each section will have a graphic to accompany the text.
- You will take notes for each section on a separate note card or sheet of paper.
- You will write a rough draft from these notes into complete sentences .
- You will meet with other students working on the same explorer to check, verify, and proofread each others work.
- You will transfer the edited report into the appropriate section of your poster. You can print the text in or you can type then cut and paste the information into each section.
- Plan a graphic that will enhance your information.
Resources you can use:
(keep a list of the resources you use)
- Your text books
- Encyclopedias hardback, CDs, and on line
- WWW search through a search engine
- Trade books (library books)
- Film strips
- Atlas, almanacs and other references
Look at some projects of previous students' work for good examples
Evaluation check list:
- Is your poster divided into the right number of sections?
- Do you have the necessary information for each section?
- Is your information accurate?
- Is your report written in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation?( language mechanics)
- Is your report easy to follow and understand? (written expression)
- Does the graphic complement each section?
- Is your poster neat, clean, and attractive?
Be sure to turn in all your work. That includes:
- Notes cards or note sheets
- Written rough draft
- All typed and proofread copies
- List of references you used
- Your daily schedule for the project
- Final poster
Possible Daily Schedule:
Some of the work will be done in class during social studies and/or reading language arts but you should expect have homework each night.
Days 1-3 Note taking
Days 4-5 Write rough draft
Day 6 Meet with other students to proofread, verify information
Day 7 Edit final report
Day 8-10 Transfer information and graphics to poster, self evaluation
Social Studies/ RLA project, Mary O'Haver, 2/97
Daily Schedule for ______________________
Day 1 CW____________________________________
Day 1 HW ____________________________________
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Day 2 HW ____________________________________
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Day 5 HW ____________________________________
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Day 6 HW ____________________________________
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Day 7 HW ____________________________________
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Day 8 HW ____________________________________
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Day 9 HW ____________________________________
Day 10 CW____________________________________
Day 10 HW ____________________________________
This page was created on Feb 21, 1997.
(c) Thomas C. and Mary L. O'Haver, 1997