The Lightning Bug
By Phillip
My report is on lightning bugs. They are not really flies, they are beetles. They are sometimes yellow and orange. Also, sometimes they are brown. They have two sets of wings. The second pair are used to fly. The first pair is used for balance and is a protective covering when they are resting.
The adult fireflies communicate by flashing their lights. They also use their lights to find a mate. Only the adult fireflies can light up. They have an organ called a lantern that lights up.
The firefly larvae live on the ground under bark in swampy places. They can not light up until they are adults. The larvae eat snails and when they are adults they eat nothing.
Math Problems Created by Student
- Phillip had 6 lightning bugs. 1 flew away. How many were left?
- I have 100 fireflies. I caught 1 more. Now how many fireflies do I have?
- I have 10 fireflies and 3 flew away. How many fireflies do I have now?