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by Brian

This stamp commemorates Alfred Bulltop Stormalong. Stormy was a tall and quite brilliant boy for his age. By ten he was already two fathoms high. Stormy wanted to be a sailor when he grew up. By the time he was thirteen he took his first voyage on a boat to China. Stormy had to be very careful doing chores on the boat. One thing that happened on the voyage was a Kraken had gotten a hold of the keel. A Kraken is something that is like an octopus and a crab. Stormy dove into the water, found the Kraken, and tied all of it's arms in knots. The Kraken then died from drowning in it's own sweat.
After the trip to China Stormalong thought that he was too big to go on such small ships so he became a farmer. During a dry spell he managed to grow a wonderful crop by working so hard that his sweat watered the potato plants. Stormy didn't farm very long. Soon he went back to sailing.
Stormy decided that he would make a ship his own size. The boat needed so much wood that there was a lumber shortage all over America. The sails were so huge that the sail makers had to go to the Sahara dessert in order to find enough room. Stormy named his ship Coarser. He used this ship for carrying cargo across the world.
One time when Stormy was going to Norway carrying coffee and soap, he planned to go through the English Channel. But it was only 21 miles wide from the Dover Strait to the French coast. So Stormy told 500 crew members to get a lot of soap. The other crew members would slick the sides real good with the soap from stern to stern in order to get through the cliffs. The Coarser went squeaking and scraping through the narrow cliffs.It was only the soap that had come off. Today the cliffs are called the white cliffs. The Coarser came out without a scratch.
After this Stormy wanted to ship big kinds of cargo. Then he saw a whale out of the water and then he thought he could use whales as cargo. They went for all kinds of whales such as white whales, gray whales, finbacks, humpbacks, sperm whales and especially blue whales. If the whale didn't measure at least 100 feet he would throw it back and if it only weighed 90 tons then he would throw it back too. Some of the best whaling grounds were in the Arctic regions. Most ships were crushed by the ice. Stormalong could just push the icebergs back and could chip off enough ice to freeze a whole whale. By this Stormy became the inventor of the refrigerator ship.
Stormy was mad because steamships were becoming more powerful every year he saw one. One of them actually passed the Coarser!!! When Stormy saw the steamboat again he said"I am going to beat the steamboat if I die trying." But while saying this there was no wind for 2 days. On dawn of the third day there were gusty strong winds that rattled the sails. Finally the Coarser took off hours ahead of the steamboat. When the Coarser reached Boston people saw a helpless figure slumped over the pilots wheel.
This picture shows when the Coarser was headed to Norway to deliver cargo soap and coffee.

by Jimi

This stamp commemorates Stormalong. He was born and grew up in Massachusetts. Stormalong grew up to be a strong boy and when he was ten he was already three fathoms tall. A fathom is six feet.
As he grew up he watched the sea so much his eye's turned from a light brown to a grayish green. One day he was walking down the road and saw an abandoned house with holes in the roof. At first he didn't see the holes in the roof. At the time he wanted to make a boat, so he just put it in the water and when he got in the house it wasn't in the water for one second and it sank. The next day he and his mom walked down the same road. His mom asked "Where is the Mason house?"
He replied ,"It sank."
When she told him the Masons were going to fix up the old shack he felt so childish.
" I think I should go north so the neighbors would not be so mad at me, " he said in a happy, but in the same way sad that he had to leave his mother.
So she packed him some food which was to him a small ten thousand pounds and he set off north. One day he finds a harbor with lots and lots of schooners in it. So he goes up to what seems to be the captain and asks to be on the crew. The captain asks if the have any experience being a sailor or has been at sea before.
Stormalong says,"I don't have any experience but I know a lot of things about sailing.
So the captain gives him the slip and he writes Stormalong AB. Some people say it means able bodied sailor others say it stands for his first name.
One day he was out on his third voyage when all of the sudden the ship stopped cold. Some of the bravest men were as pale as a white sheet. Stormalong asked what was going on.
One of the sailors said, "You wouldn't want to know."
The captain said, " I want a man to jump overboard and see what's holding us up."
Every man takes two steps back and that left Stormalong standing in the open.
The captain said, "Good luck Stormalong."
Stormalong said one thing before he jumped overboard, "I think I need a dagger just in case."
And with that he jumped overboard. At first all he could only see was murky water. Then he saw IT. All of the sudden it just attacked him. Obviously he had never seen such a beast. It had tentacles like an octopus, claws like a crab, and a tail like a lobster. It wrapped it's tentacles around him. He struggled away from the beast. He tied every knot invented, even some that haven't been invented. He tied every one of those tentacles until the great beast finally sank to the depths of the sea.
My stamp shows when Stormalong jumps into the water after the beast.

by Stephen

This stamp commemorates Stormalong. When he was a baby born in Massachusetts, or where ever he was born, the ocean was next door. By the time we was 10 he was already 2 fathoms tall and a fathom is 6 feet tall so he was 12 feet tall which means he was very tall. By that time he wanted to be a sailor so much, that one day he pick up the old Mason Mansion and turned it upside down. He added a sail in it. But the roof was so leaky that when he put it in the water it sank.
Later that day his mother asked," Where is the Mason Mansion?"
He told her that he tried to make a boat out of it but the house sank and is now at the bottom of the ocean.
Then his mother said," Some folks had bought it and they were going to fix it up and make a great shore home."
She said he better leave before they come. So Stormy said good bye to his mother and went to Boston for a job as a cabin boy.
So the Captain signed him on. Half way throw the voyage a Sea Monster was attacking the ship. So he decided that he would be the only one able to fight the monster. That's where I will stop and where my picture comes from.

by Steven

This stamp commemorates Stormalong. He was born and grew up in Massachusetts. Stormalong grew up to be a strong boy and when he was ten he was already three fathoms tall. A fathom is six feet.
As he grew up he watched the sea so much his eye's turned from a light brown to a grayish green. One day he was walking down the road and saw an abandoned house with holes in the roof. At first he didn't see the holes in the roof. At the time he wanted to make a boat, so he just put it in the water and when he got in the house it wasn't in the water for one second and it sank. The next day he and his mom walked down the same road. His mom asked "Where is the Mason house?"
He replied ,"It sank."
When she told him the Masons were going to fix up the old shack he felt so childish.
" I think I should go north so the neighbors would not be so mad at me," he said in a happy, but in the same way sad that he had to leave his mother.
So she packed him some food which was to him a small ten thousand pounds and he set off north. One day he finds a harbor with lots and lots of schooners in it. So he goes up to what seems to be the captain and asks to be on the crew. The captain asks if the have any experience being a sailor or has been at sea before.
Stormalong says,"I don't have any experience but I know a lot of things about sailing.
So the captain gives him the slip and he writes Stormalong AB. Some people say it means able bodied sailor others say it stands for his first name.
One day he was out on his third voyage when all of the sudden the ship stopped cold. Some of the bravest men were as pale as a white sheet. Stormalong asked what was going on.
One of the sailors said, "You wouldn't want to know."
The captain said, " I want a man to jump overboard and see what's holding us up."
Every man takes two steps back and that left Stormalong standing in the open.
The captain said, "Good luck Stormalong."
Stormalong said one thing before he jumped overboard, "I think I need a dagger just in case."
And with that he jumped overboard. At first all he could only see was murky water. Then he saw IT. All of the sudden it just attacked him. Obviously he had never seen such a beast. It had tentacles like an octopus, claws like a crab, and a tail like a lobster. It wrapped it's tentacles around him. He struggled away from the beast. He tied every knot invented, even some that haven't been invented. He tied every one of those tentacles until the great beast finally sank to the depths of the sea.
My stamp shows when Stormalong jumps into the water after the beast.

by Billy

This picture commemoratse Stormalong. He was the best sailor in all the states. He is Dragging a whale. It started when he was just a little boy. He liked to watch boats sail right next to his house. When he was 10 he found a old house and tried to fix the old house up into a boat . When he was a man he hunted whales and one day he dragged a Whale across the ocean with 2 people on the Whale. When he got older he just hunted whales.Then he still wanted to see his faimly. Then he saw his faimly because he got lonely. Then he got back hunting whales.

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