Un grupo de indígenas pescadores llamados Changos vivían dispersos en las caletas del Norte y Centro del país. Se alimentaban de peces y mariscos, usaban balsas de cuero de lobos marinos inflados para pescar.
Los grupos de indígenas de la agricultura avanzada son los: Atacameños, Diaguitas y Picunches.
Los grupos de indígenas de la agricultura primitiva son los: Mapuches y Huilliches.
Los grupos indígenas nómades son los: Changos, Pehuenches, Puelches, Tehuelches, Chonos, Alacalufes, Onas y Yaganes.
A group of indian fishmen called Changos lived at almost the small bays all over the North and center of the country. They ate fish and shellfish, sailing on seal skin raft to fish them.
Indians groups with agriculture advance knowledge were the Atacameños, Diaguitas and Picunches. And the ones with primitive agriculture knowledge were the Mapuches and Huilliches.
The nomad indians groups were the Changos, Pehuenches, Puelches, Tehuelches, Chonos, Alacalufes, Onas and Yaganes.