Chemical Informatics
A scientific information scavenger hunt, to be carried out
on the World Wide Web. After a brief introduction to the
basics of keyword searching and some hints on evaluating
information, student set out to find answers to eight
Temperature and Molecular Motion
A series of observations and experiments that seek to accumulate
evidence for the connection between temperature and microscopic
molecular motion.
Molecular Modeling with "Ball-and-Stick" Model Kits
Introduction to simple organic structures, single and double bonds, alkanes, structural isomers,
rings and chains,
and the existence of and requirements for chirality in molecules.
Reactions involving Gases
An experimental investigation of the chemistry of a burning candle and
Alka Selzer tablets dissolving in water, carried out in open and enclosed
A class discussion and writing assignment reflecting on earlier experiments.
Chemistry Software Tools
A hands-on interactive computer experiment using Brooks-Cole's Beaker, a
structure-drawing-cum-expert-system tool, and MacMolecule, a public
domain 3D molecular visualization and animation tool from the University of
Arizona, in activities intended to develop the students' ability to describe
chemical bonding and molecular geometry in multiple representations.